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Instilling Change: Nancy Rose

Updated: Jan 13, 2020

Welcome to the third edition of our newest social media series, Instilling Change! Last month, we featured former Second Chance participant Katrena McKinnies. Stay tuned each month for a new participant feature. -- For Nancy Rose, pursing change is a key to her success. Even while incarcerated, focusing on change was very important to her. Nancy stated that she did “not want to be back where I [she] was.” By attending treatment, writing her son in foster care every week, and participating in different religious activities, she was able to stay focused on her ultimate goals. Each day, Nancy puts her best foot forward to continue building her life post-incarceration. Her work ethic and constant drive are what sets her apart from others.

After her release, Nancy found a job that was the perfect fit for her at a company called Rawxie’s, which specialized in producing healthy snacking food. While the company is no longer in business, she still values the years she spent working there. According to Nancy, she “grew a lot with that company” and “learned so much about being a production manager.” She also was able to learn the functions of a small business and how they grow. Nancy is now working at the Kansas City Sausage Company, using some of her skills from her prior job to help create the best products possible.

When asked what she is most proud of, Nancy replied that she is proud of where she is at. “I’m proud of all the work I’ve put in, and it’s paid off. I may have worked hard to maintain this standard but what I have is what I want to keep.” This hard work can’t always be done alone. Nancy gives much credit to the Second Chance Risk Reduction Center for helping her with her successes. Nancy was able to obtain assistance with job interviews, resume building, and housing. As a participant, some of her initial housing payments were alleviated through financial assistance. Fortunately, Nancy still stays in contact with the program.

Nancy also gives much credit to other different community organizations, such as Catholic Charities, St. James Place, and ReDiscover. To Nancy, it was very important to utilize different community resources to help her grow as much as possible. She is also grateful for Probation and Parole for help keeping her on track throughout the reentry process.

As of today, Nancy is still apart of the Kansas City community. She continues to work hard every day to provide for herself and her son, who she is immensely proud of. Change and rehabilitation aren’t always easy, but with her consistency and perseverance, she has carved a successful path for herself. When asked what advice she would give to someone in a similar situation, she stated that you should “hold on to what you believe in. Grow better morals. Set boundaries. Trust the process. You have to trust the process of change and it’s not always going to be easy.” Nancy was able to reunite with her son and get him out of foster care, has remained sober, and has successfully completed supervision. -- Second Chance is a program of the Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission. If you have any further questions, please contact us at 816-231-0450, or visit our website at

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