A public safety nonprofit established in 1949.

Providing neighborhood beautification projects and nonprofit assistance throughout the Greater Kansas City area.
MCSP organizes several weekly cost-free neighborhood cleanups that include litter and debris collection, graffiti removal, and additional assistance to the community. However, MCSP is more than just a litter abatement community service program. MCSP also provides opportunities for its clients to assist local governments, nonprofits, and faith-based charities. MCSP has been providing direction for clients on both supervised and unsupervised probation since 1994.
Worksite Information
The Metropolitan Community Service Program (MCSP) utilizes select nonprofit organizations which are referred to as worksites to fulfill court-ordered community service hours. The cost-free labor provided by community service workers to nonprofit organizations reduces expenses while also allowing them to provide additional assistance to Kansas City metropolitan communities.
The acceptance of an applicant worksite is typically based on hours of availability, the number of workers an applicant can accept, and the need for a worksite in the applicant's geographic area.
To see if your nonprofit organization qualifies for acceptance of MCSP workers, contact MCSP at 816-960-6809.
Client Information
Each client is assessed individually. Our caseworkers are experienced and motivated in helping you complete your community service on time and within the conditions ordered.
Community service stipulations vary by court and case, so please remember to bring your court order with you to your appointment. If you do not have your court order, please acquire a copy from the court prior to your appointment. Further details of your court-ordered community service will be discussed during your appointment.
A program supervision fee is charged for each case that is referred to MCSP. As long as community service hours are completed in accordance with MCSP policy, no additional fee will be charged. You will be informed of the program fee amount upon scheduling your appointment. All payments must be exact cash or money order. Debit and credit cards are also accepted with an additional processing fee.
Upon meeting with an MCSP representative, you will be assigned a worksite where your community service hours will be performed.
Hours performed anywhere other than your assigned worksite will not be credited to your case.
Things to bring to your appointment:
Court order showing the following:
Court date
Case number (i.e. ticket number)
Number of community service hours ordered
Date the community service is ordered for completion (if applicable)
Photo ID
Supervision fee
Name and contact information for your Probation Officer (if applicable)
Medical documentation for any mental or physical condition that may affect your performance of your community service hours